Codie Eliabeth Novack Miss | Ocala Florida

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Based on the prior history, DV, Codies backed up 5500 text messages through the months and then just hours before Codie’s death, stating an ongoing confrontation during the missing timeline of events, (while driving, almost causing an accident, while at business, and in the residence as he destroyed personal items). Others were aware of the situation. The medical examiners (M.E.) believed, Codie was drunk and asphyxiated herself, however, the M.E. could not tell the family vital information of how long she laid on the floor deceased, what might have been in her stomach, for last consumed food or drink, the blood work, her medical records, or give the family any concrete evidence if anyone else could have asphyxiated her accidentally or intentionally. The investigation did not focus on any physical evidence, to confirm or deny any information, or identify any potential suspects with motives, or opportunities to commit any crime for any reason(s). They did not conduct thorough interviews or interrogations with other people who knew Codie, spoke with her just hours prior, or anyone who might have seen or heard anything unusual, within the hours leading up to her death. They had further evidence of text messages, of him looking for more alcohol or the lack thereof, however, the final text message sent from her is believed to be from January 4, 2024, around 2.50 pm, and she was recovered around nine hours later. The most likely scenario is that Codie’s case does not fall under accident and should be murder or homicide. The scene is then cleaned up, rearranged, and staged to look like an accident. Individuals in the residence had many hours to get stories lined up. Law enforcement, had the availability, and resources to do a more in-depth investigation however, chose not to. The forensic evidence doesn’t support the timeline, nature of the injuries, or support a simple fall.
It is believed the boyfriend was agitated about something, drunk, fit of rage, and had hidden crucial evidence and information about what happened and those who assisted in the events that led up to her death, considering all the contradicting statements, and information from those in the house that day. It is also standard practice for him, to never leave Codie out of his sight, including at her job. The family later learned he was even told he could not be at the residence alone. (With concerning the length of time she lay deceased in the room, while her phone was still being used -with unusual activity, stating no one knew where it was and then found hidden in the coach when EMS located by calling it) None of the evidence, information or records are adding up. As of this date, there are other criminal incidents, with similar concerns. The family is working to get the case reopened for a full investigation.

So sorry to hear about this case. Prayers for the families involved. The State of Florida needs to examined Medical Examiners before giving them the title of an opinion when evidence clearly shows something else has happened other than an accident. Once it’s declared an accident you have to go through so much to try to get the cause and manner of death change. Of course, no one wants to help you is because someone is at fault for not doing a proper autopsy report and investigation. Therefore, comes the trouble. Family keep fighting for your answer!!! Don’t Give Up!!!

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So, I was reading through this case last night and today. I’m trying to wade through everything and understand the entirety of the situation. There were 5 individuals including Codie that died? And Louis walked? Also, in the photos there, the toxscreen indicated BAC level of 1. If that’s 1 as in 1.0, that is unrealistically high because 0.05 is enough to cause death. I’m trying to focus on Louis. I’ve studied a few historical killers with some similarities to what I observe of Louis’ personality traits. But if he was heavily intoxicated as well, I’m wondering how did the others end up dead as well. It’s very confusing so I’m asking for a little light be shed in the dark so I can look at this from every angle possible. Thanks.

Codie is the only one deceased with an ethanol level of 0.435. Codie was last seen by her family on January 3rd without any of the stated injuries. Codie was reported as possibly missing or in danger after she did not arrive at two different appointments, the family home as planned, or responding to messages, through January 4th. She was last seen leaving her family home on January 3rd with what the family knew as the on-and-off boyfriend (Louis) who she originally met through an online game platform 2021 while the family lived in Pennsylvania. Louis is from Ct and followed Codie to Florida in August 2022, when she moved with her family. Louis was removed from the home in September 2022 after outbursts, disruptions, and violent occurrences, and in 2021 after an unbeknownst drinking event, urinating in the family’s living room, on the furniture, and the mother (incidents filed with both PA and Fl). He took a bus and went to stay with his friend in Georgia, By the end of November 2022, he contacted Codie, and without explaining, stated he had been thrown out of his friend’s house, and he returned to Florida. The latter part of the first week of December, and just three weeks prior to Codie’s death; found an ad listing a private room rental within a residence for $500.00 a month (after a soft background check on the name listed in the ad as the landlord-only showed a DUI record). started renting it so Louis had a place, and she would split time between her family home and with Louis, However, things seemed off with him. Only with this incident did the family learn it was listed under a fictitious name and there is considerably more information concerning the individuals and property history. With continued private investigation(s), past relationships, messages, images, and public records the family subsequently learned Louis has a long-hidden history of (mixed) street drug usage, drinks vodka continuously even if employed in a water bottle, unauthorized use, and consumes another person(s) prescription medication(s), larceny, and has additional records of Domestic violence and protection order(s). Louis had also been asked to leave Codie’s job while she had been working on several occasions. Louis immediately left the state of Florida Jan 2023 following the incident involving Codie. However, upon returning to Ct Louis was involved in another incident concerning a different young woman. The family believes that Louis’s history, of strangulation, bite marks, and Domestic violence, along with the results of the autopsy, and images of the death of their daughter Codie, are similar to the other young women’s charges in Ct (strangulation, bite marks and disorderly conduct). Codie was the only individual recovered deceased on January 5th but she was also among four additional unknown individuals. (6 people listed within the incident report- at the residence including Codie) who all claimed they saw, heard, or knew nothing, for an unknown amount of time between January 3rd through 5th, with other questionable circumstances, contradicting statements, and who we have also learned have an additional long criminal history. The male whom the family originally believed to be the landlord and his wife (or homeowners) correspondingly have many additional suspicious activities during the incident, per their statements, body cameras, and public records. They were able to walk about, leave, and return at will. There are over 5500 text messages between Codie and Louis, stating there was alternation(s), damage to the car, and other items were damaged/destroyed. There are also several of Codie’s items that remain missing/stolen as per crime scene images. There were also uncharacteristic phone calls, account usages and changes, bank and account service requests and monies removed from Codie’s wallet and accounts. Someone had Codie’s phone, as it was being utilized until 11.55 pm, approx. 10 minutes before emergency services were called then someone hid it in the couch. Was she being held in the room? Codie was found with post-mortem lividity and rigor mortis.Codie is described as being in multiple positions or places within the room. She has numerous size bruises, marks, and abrasions on her body, and limbs, small cuts, and both large and small bruises on her face. There was also blood on the back/side of her head and a small amount on her face. Blood was noted, and in images, however not collected, nor tested. Between the Medical investigator and a detective, the blood was explained away by doing CPR for less than two minutes, with a stop in between to answer/open the bedroom door for one of the other individuals. Also heard on the 911 call with background noises and voices, as was Louis’s statement of how Codie might have hit her head and neck. Did someone remove items or clean the scene? Neither Codie’s family nor Codie’s doctors were ever notified that she had been found deceased. Codie’s doctor did not receive a request for her medical records, a list of performed procedures, or her current medications. The family is aware others either saw, heard, or spoke directly to Codie within these hours and knew or heard the disturbance at the residence but were also not contacted or interviewed by law enforcement. There were also at least two others still listed on the incident report, that were able to leave without being questioned. Two work associates who the family thought might have shed light on some conversations, or had seen Louis’s activities and stalking Codie at work, but didn’t personally know Codies gave the detective inaccurate information concerning the residence or that Codie had likely drug use. From the start, the family denied the suicide and drug use. The family halted funeral arrangments as they continually requested additional labs, drug testing, and X-rays, to be performed, due to assertions with the initial speculation of suicide or drug overdose and contradicting statements. The family requested and received an initial Autopsy and requested all records from the Medical examiner’s office pertaining Codie’s files, likewise, these files contradict statements, and the report(s) also contained mislabeled, misidentified, and missing x-ray films. There is no time of death, nor any approximate length of time listed. No tissue, organ images, or testing; no identifying body fluid, stomach contents, or testing completed. It did not contain any further lab workups other than toxicology results. Certified date(s) did not align with toxicology record(s) or the detective requesting to close the case, around or less than thirty days, without a full investigation. There were no interrogations. There was no collection or testing of any possible evidence to establish or refute any circumstances or potential criminal activity. Law enforcement refused to obtain warrants to confirm any timeline of data, GPS, phone records, surveillance cameras, or witness statements that may confirm further evidence of conflicting witness statements or possible criminal activity. The family learned there is a known history with the residence as per Law enforcement and official public records. The family’s concern grew with the numerous inconsistencies between the M.E office, the Sheriff’s department, and other cases with similar experiences. As indicated by additional Medical professionals and within the autopsy disclaimer, ethanal may be alcohol and/or decomposition. With further professional assessments; and according to other reports and case studies, ethanol is more than alcohol or intoxication as stated. The level could be ingested or consumed via other products, food additives, diet, or gut formation. It may also be what was consumed and absorbed within the day(s) or week(s) prior and redistributed into the body. (the family had just celebrated New Year’s, last known meal as it was still in the microwave was breaded air-fired chicken.fired rice with mixed vegetables, mashed potatoes, and Capri juice). The toxicology (BAC level 0.435) correspondingly may also be misleading and stated should lead to further examination; As studies included discussions of the antemortem/postmortem testing window, related with physical and mental trauma, medical conditions or procedures, medications or supplements, infection(s), duration of time, with a combination of the uncontrolled environment. There is also a plausible question concerning the duration between Codie missing, found deceased in the residence, recovered by emergency services, removal from the scene, and driven in a van, over an hour to the medical examiner’s office, while in each of these uncontrolled environments, then to have blood drawn for testing; With the time of death undetermined or even approximate hours (as stated by the medical Examiner the questions the family asked, were impossible to answer, as it is only done in TV shows), possibly as early or as long as 12 hours prior to emergency services, then remaining in the residences from midnight through early morning hours the next morning, followed by just over an hour drive to the Medical Examiners office, then through the completion of the autopsy at 1030 another 12 hours. (undetermined with the minimum of 19- 24 hours by last known factual data), The blood draw(s) for toxicology (unknown procedure, or known conditions), was sent from Leesburg Florida to the lab in Pennsylvania (unknown procedure(s) or known conditions, unknown travel process) and received at the Pennsylvania Lab on January 12th (twelve days) (unknown procedure or conditions). The family has requested to meet with both the Medical examiner’s office and law enforcement for investigation and has asked to review missing records, possible testing complexities, and an explanation of trauma to Codie’s body. While discussing the information with the M.E., and numerous unanswered questions the medical examiners had verbally stated it was blunt force trauma; which could alter her findings, and warrant an investigation however, it was not written on any report. She also stated Codie was just drunk and asphyxiated herself. despite the family asking and M.E. and not answering how she would differentiate between self-infected or offender-inflected asphyxiation. The family has also asked both agencies to review further evidence of text messages, data, and statements but was told, that Louis is just a drunk who can’t keep his story straight. The family questioned the residence’s activities to evaluate an investigation only to be told she hangs with bad people at a bad residence, she could have left, called 911, it is her lifestyle, or it is the other agencies’ responsibility or denied altogether due a toxicology and opinions versus evidence. To date, the family has conveyed additional, evidence, medical information, incidents, and additional arrest records of similar, however, unaware any of these leads may have been investigated, towards Codie’s death or any circumstances surrounding Codie’s case(s). At this time Codies incident reports have been filed, with the departments, and they either sit within or are closed by the department. The prosecutor’s office stated they can only move forward when Law Enforcement utilizes the evidence for an investigation and files criminal charges. The individuals seem to have a revolving door with both the law enforcement and the judicial system for years, in relation to their other additional cases. Yes, this does seem to be a complex case but I hope it clarifies things.

Yes this does clarify everything a lot. Thank you so much for all the information. I was trying to get as much details as I could without making any assumptions. The only thing I can understand on the side of the Law Enforcement is not getting the warrants. Warrants are hard to get without hard conclusive evidence. They don’t grant warrants easily and unfortunately, text messages to them would be considered inconclusive evidence in most cases, not enough for a warrant. However, blood at the scene and a BAC of 0.4 at the approximate time of death in connection with her injuries and the proposed time of death should be enough right there so I don’t understand why not take advantage of that. There are a few things that you had said about both Louis’ behavior and her injuries at the time of death that strikes a chord with me. We’ve seen this kind of thing before in sexually compulsive killers. This isn’t going to be pretty but I would request an evaluation into whether or not she may have been raped or something like that either pre or post-mortem. By the contusions on the body and some of the Anti-social behavioral traits noticed by Louis, there is a chance that he expressed sexual obsession with Codie and desired to possess her like an item. Many times, these contusions could be caused by her body being moved into different positions throughout the room, and some killers have had post-mortem intercourse with their victims in this fashion. I know this isn’t easy to hear but it’s popular among killers with similar personality attributes. Louis has no respect for law, rules, other peoples’ property or well being, he has several anger outbursts and a history of strangulation which is what struck me about this case right from the get go. I believe he gets gratification from strangulation. I was going to ask if there was any mention of marks around the neck that might indicate she may have been strangled or otherwise abused in that location on the body but I’m assuming with the lack of investigative techniques here that evaluation was not performed. A BAC level of 0.4 could also be fatal so the cause of her death needs to be specifically determined because there’s a few things here that could have caused it. My guess is that she had been deceased for quite some time prior to the emergency services even being called which might go into what I was saying before about his post-mortem practice with her. Once she began decomposing and developing rigor mortis, that may be when he lost interest in securing any further gratification. Rigor Mortis usually sets in about 2 hours after death and completes in progression anywhere from 6 to 8 hours after death and will last up to 12 hours before disappearing, but it makes it easier for someone like him to position her the way he may want around the room like you said about her being noted in several places around the room. Chances are, you’re probably right about the blunt force trauma possibly being the cause of death. If Louis does in fact have the psychopathic traits I have mentioned, he seems more disorganized than organized. A bit lower intelligence and most likely didn’t intend to kill her in an outburst but may have decided to take advantage of the situation personally after her death before contacting authorities. The other people involved may have not wanted to volunteer any information because of fear of Louis. He may have threatened them or something. Either that or they were involved somehow and didn’t want the trouble afterwards. Richard Speck was known to do things like that to eliminate witnesses of his crimes for example. That’s my guess anyway. I really hope they eventually open a full investigation into this because there are so many things here that seems very off. Any other insight I can give please do not hesitate to ask. I also apologize for the graphic nature of my explanations in this matter but unfortunately it’s necessary to explain these difficult details. Best of luck in getting the investigation and labs that you need. Let me know if there’s anything else I can do to help.

Just to be very clear here, I need to express something. By everything you have told me about Louis, he seems to be extremely impulsive as well as compulsive. He has a domineering nature to possess women, to assert dominance and re-assert it when challenged. Early on I noticed that Codie didn’t really put up with his antics and was often tough on him like she was after he damaged the screen in her car. That takes away or challenges his dominance over the situation, so now he needs to re-assert dominance and he’s willing to physically abuse or strangle to get it. That’s clear that this is a compulsion he has and he cannot resist it because he’s done the same thing to another girl in CT. Which means, and I say this with a heavy heart, that he most likely will do it again. If he isn’t stopped, he’ll keep doing it. It’s fairly clear the addictive personality is thick with him and this kind of compulsion isn’t something that goes away. BTK went quiet for 10 years for example. No bodies, no more letters, nothing. Then he returned by sending letters to the cops, sending drawings, saying he was ready to kill again etc. and they caught him after sending a floppy disk from a church. But it took 10 years for us to gain that kind of technology to do that. But that’s the point, not even he could resist doing it again. I had to express the seriousness of this that it’s most likely he will do it again. They way he was able to simply move on, no emotions, remorse feellings whatsoever as to Codie’s death is also a testament to his possible psychopathic nature. Psychopaths are extremely talented at faking raw emotion when it seems appropriate to a certain situation. They have emotions but it’s like they don’t understand that everyone else does as well.

As difficult as it is, I have considered many of the details, you brought forward. Many of which were discovered, encountered, or learned in hindsight. Louis does seem to have most of these tendencies. Yes, the family, has also considered sexual assault along with forced behavior(s) of many kinds and who may also be implicated. (by a few text messages) We can only imagine what Codie may have been experiencing against five other individuals, in her final hours. Louis has taken Codie’s car keys, phone, and charger, withheld items, and at times locked her out of a residence. We assume these are just some ways he tried to hold control. These examples are also discussed in the some of text messages. He often blamed Codie or others for his outbursts and behaviors. Louis tends to be absolutely unorganized, unclean, possessive and harbors violent attributes. However, as I also discussed this with both the law enforcement and the medical examiner, in great detail, the events, scene images, and idiosyncrasies, they had of either individual(s) did not calculate to real-life facts; neither seemed to demonstrate concern or provide straightforward answers of what the family questioned and provided evidence. Not only as you have also mentioned, but the family also had communication with other individuals with whom Louis had a history; Codie may not have been his first victim. These same individuals have recalled similar behavior, through the last ten years, Some are still in fear, concealing their location and information. Louis has also made a similar statement at Codie’s death, that he stated concerning two other individuals. The family is aware he may have elevated in his current relationship and is concerned for the young woman and now learning apparently her recently born child’s safety, regardless, the family is attempting to protect others from what the family has learned from encountering Louis, the individuals within the residence or officials thus far. We would never want any family to experience the loss of a loved one, the way we have.

Yeah, the apologizing in text messages for things he has done, definitely a tool of manipulation to get back in good graces, but taking no heed to the warning to change. And with his current relationship, she has a new born baby? If he’s living with her, that baby may be a trigger to push him over the edge. I have children myself and remember how tough it was to be a father when they are so young. It’s stressful, tense and can easily push someone like him to do something terrible. He’s still young. This might be developing in him and could possibly get worse as he gets older progressively. This is really concerning to me. I hope something moves to work against him here soon before another body turns up.

Yes, Louis’s text messages and voicemails, often have name-calling and love-bombing. Louis has stated he not only would seek services, but had also been court-ordered drug, domestic violence, and mental health services at different times.

We don’t know much about the current relationship, however, we have learned Louis did produce a child with the latest young woman. According to the court system, there are pending charges and a standing order of protection in the case. I am unaware if they live together, however, they are seen together often and are still episodes of similar afflictions and habits Louis had with Codie and others. Another private source has made the family aware of further information, that we can not release to the public at this time; which some may find substantial.

The family truly understands. Our family has lived a blessed life and were unaware, we missed the red flags and never expected this in the end. We live with regret and the loss every day, that we could not be there to protect her or bring Codie back with her already-packed items. The images we have viewed, and statements we have heard and witnessed; we live with daily.

The family is advocating not only for Codie, but also for the women who have encountered any of these individuals, and the case details on all levels with the system. The family is unsure who may still assist with the evidence before another unsuspecting person is injured or found deceased. The family also desires, for those who had seen and or knew something to come forward, as it can protect others from the same or similar consequences.

I completely agree. That was my fear as well. Getting the evidence to stop this from happening to someone else. I was thinking the same thing all day after reading your reply today. I’ve been saying “he’s going to do it again”. Because I feel it’s a compulsion he can’t resist. It’s only a matter of time. I desperately hope with everything in my bones that I’m wrong.

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I would appreciate another point of view on some context. Would you be open to me sending it to you privately?

Yes absolutely. I’d like to help any way I can.

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The fact that the on and off boyfriend proposed a cause of death is already suspicious enough. This could hint (possibly, it is seen that people who murder a partner often act calm/collected and often report the death to authorities) that he had a part. Also, the fact that the skin was cold to the touch would imply that she was dead for multiple hours, implying that he waited multiple hours after the death to call 911. If there are missing items this could imply that the romantic partner took “trophies” to remind himself of the act (this is a common behaviour in killers). looking for missing items in his house could be enough to re-open the case. The high levels of drugs might indicate that she was drugged and then given injuries with a tool/beaten, and that she somehow managed to fight back momentarily, injuring the boyfriend. That would explain the unknown blood found nearby.

I agree the boyfriend (Louis) is definitely involved by evidence from Codies and Louis’s saved text messages, stating the ongoing altercation of January 3, 2023, through the afternoon on January 4, 2023, who at one point was apologizing for the fight and altercations, which continued. until what is believed to be Codie’s final text at 2:53p, stating to Louis “you arent sorry for shit!” . Then all of Codies phone activity and data ended. At approximately 7:30p p.m. the uncharacteristic activity started with calls, web searches, and account access. It was utilized until 11:50 pm, and 911 was called 11 minutes later at 12:06 am on January 5, 2023. By the time Codie was recovered, Codie’s body showed signs that she definitely was lying there for several hours and not in any walking/alive condition of the timeframe to be able to use the phone and then hide the phone in the couch as reports stated. (authorities located it, by calling it). Individuals claimed they didn’t know where the phone was or how to access Codie’s phone, however, data evidence recovered again proves that is a lie, as someone was using it and trying to change her passwords and accounts 11 minutes before authorities were called and arrived.

Very few realize Codies Phone was set up with certain authorizations for safety in mind. We had it connected to multiple hidden backup services and had a specific second-person access and device to retrieve codes for changes. So whoever attempted to access several of her accounts and attempted changes, couldn’t access them without the information. We were able to open the files and see that Codie took screenshots of text messages, images, and notes, just hours before what is believed to be her final text. We were also able to see what apps were accessed, what was being requested, and at what time, even if they were deleted.

We are also aware Codie made a least two prior calls. One to a mutual friend of theirs and a second to a family member, who also stated there was an ongoing problem. Codie was crying in the bathroom. Codie had stated, they were fighting, Louis was drunk again, she was done, and she wanted to leave. The family member, in Pennsylvania, unsure of the complete situation, advised Codie to go home to Mommy. Codie didn’t say why she wouldn’t go home at that moment, however, she was going to sleep on the couch while Louis was passed out drunk on the bed and would call the family member back, however, that call never came…

We are also aware that there were others within the residence who either heard, witnessed, knew something, or were involved with the allotted time to collaborate on their story and/or stage the scene; especially when others in the neighborhood could hear or see fighting from the same house. The authorities have been called for different reasons throughout the years, however, apparently activity and behaviors continue. All individuals also had contradicting statements, stories, and body language. We do believe each of the individuals had a hand in Codie’s death, whether they physically assaulted Codie or not, due to knowing something, doing nothing, or on the other hand doing something, covering it up, either way, Codie did not beat herself up, leave her lay there for hours and not one of them rendered any aid!!

There were no drugs listed in the toxicology. It showed a high level of ethanol. As stated in the lab testing and autopsy it could be either alcohol or the decomposition (caused postmortem)… With other medical professionals, studies, and reports there is the possibility of testing Insulin/sugars postmortem, or possible Codie’s medical condition(s) may have caused an elevated postmortem production level or possibly testing oversights. We have been denied an appointment with the medical examiner’s office and all officials to discuss the cause, manner, case, and any questions, evidence, or discrepancies in the medical file thus far.

As for certain personal items or the money in her wallet, I do believe the boyfriend may have taken a couple of the smaller items as it does seem to be things he has taken prior or with others. However, other missing items are seen in the crime scene images, we believe the other individuals took them because we don’t feel he would have the use of those items unless he sold them for money or the means to travel with all of them.

Either way, in most states it could be charged as aggravated robbery, selling/receiving stolen property…however build a decent murder case and if DNA is matched with any items, killing someone in the commission of a crime is first-degree murder, whereas otherwise one might be charged with second-degree murder or manslaughter… so it would depend…

It would make sense, that Codie would have screenshot the messages and images, as proof of the damages of the altercation that started between her and the boyfriend, (Codie seemed to try and deescalate them, but they kept the arguments from sight by texting), Learning this residence already has its history with law enforcement, the probable assumption is they didn’t want the added extra attention at the residence with their own ongoing activities.

It is probable Louis or all the individuals took her phone, took her keys, to stop her from leaving, or kept her in the room to shut her up, Any of them could have threatened her, attacked her, or caused her death. They all know something!!

Until the authorities do an investigation…all we know is, that there are too many discrepancies in their stories, activities, and reports, to the data evidence, images, and idiosyncrasies of what we know of Codie and Louis…

Thank you for your insights and additional possibilities.