Terri Leann Bevers | Midlothian, TX

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Hi there! I’m the future detective. You can call me Neo. I need more information about this case.So i have some questions:
What about the suspects? Who was her close friend?? Does she had enemies? Is it avalable to show me interrogate files?

Hello, at this time there are no suspects so there are no interrogations to review. Have you visited the linked articles on the case page yet? There are some good sources of information!

Do you think the suspect in the surveillance video wearing tactical gear is a male or female?

  • Male
  • Female
0 voters

I have a still photo taken from the video surveillance. It’s 100% a man.

Hello! Are you able to share the photo?

I wonder if geo fence warrant was done on this? Not that we would be privy to that; but just curious.

It has been considered for this case.

Yes I can. You can email at Renae.rodden@yahoo.com

A geofence warrant was done on this case

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I updated the case gallery photos to include the suspect photos.