Kristin M O'connell | Ovid, NY

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Hello all, I am working with the family as an advocate over the last few years. This case is close to 38 years old and still, no arrests. There is evidence that can be tested but the family wants it tested by an outside lab due to past issues in 2009 with a forensic scientist who was the center of an evidence falsification case may have worked on the original evidence.
Here is the petition we have started. Please consider signing. Petition · Family Demands DNA Testing by an Outside Lab in the Kristin O'Connell Cold Case ·

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It’s interesting how in 2019 the District Attorney’s office is offering a large reward but aren’t moving forward with DNA testing. I would love to hear how the NYS Health Department is able to block DNA testing. What is their involvement?

What are the sources of DNA that should be pursued? Is a SANE kit part of the evidence?

By the way, amazing job on the case details. So thorough!

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We made a video showing the transcript of the 911 call from the mystery caller. Do you recognize this person?

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This is a big issue for the family as you can imagine. The money was allocated, the Dutch DNA specialists agreed to do the testing, and the NYS Department of Health is responsible for reviewing and certifying labs - Article clipped from Press and Sun-Bulletin -™ Health Dept. blocks DNA test in old murder

Aaron. thank you for the audio file and transcription. we posted it to the Justice for Kristin O’Connell Case and my FB page Cold Case Advocacy. I truly appreciate this platform and the ability to share more about Kristin’s case.

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Ok, that makes a little more sense. With the DNA needing to be used as evidence in a criminal trial, the state has a responsibility to make sure accredited labs consistent with the state guidelines are used for the tasks. We’ve faced similar things in Texas. But, the good news is that local labs should now fit the requirements and allow this to be revisited!

I think the caution in the area of forensic sciences is appropriate but I can see how it would be frustrating to families. Have any local labs been identified that meet the proper certification standards for New York?

What about the labs who worked on the Gilgo beach murders in New York? That was a DNA case pieced together.

I can say that some items of evidence were under review and some items have been tested. The family has little trust in the NY labs due to past cited lab misconduct. They want the items tested by the FBI or an outside lab. It is our understanding that OTHRAM has submitted paperwork to get approved in NYS. IF this happens it is a BIG deal and the family would want them to test the items. I believe Othram was used to identify one gilgo victim, I am not sure if they are the only lab involved. One hiccup in NYS is that there is no familial DNA testing allowed, however there is a bill currently in review that, if passed, would open the door for genetic genealogy

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Big news for this case right?

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Yes, this is a good development. We’ve reached out to lead detective with this article. We continue to push where we can. We dis learn that Othram was working w. Federal agencies when they analyzed LISK evidence. That is how they were able to do this without technically being approved by the New York State Department of Health. Currently, they are not approved as a lab that we can use for testing.

Hi Aaron, I am looking for some information. Can you tell me how often Kristin’s case page has been viewed?

Sure, I can look that up for you. I’ll email you.

Hi Andy, Perhaps I missed it, but dis yiu send this yet?