So do we have any idea who the man she went out with is? If so, do we know where he is?
I also wonder if the male has any criminal records or history with her or anyone else. Are there cameras in areas like streets, houses, or ring door? Maybe someone in social media or the neighborhood app might have heard or seen something…
Not only that but which man? Does anyone know him? How old? Had they met up before? We have like no details, and police haven’t given much out for us to rely on. Does anyone know any communication of this girls that I can reach out too?
With this just happening this year, and no arrests made, LE is going to keep most details close to the vest. With what info has been provided, I would venture to say that they probably know who committed the act, they are just trying to obtain the probable cause to affect an arrest. And that process is not always as easy as some would think.
This is the most logical and responsible assessment of the case as it stands.
Okay, this one is bad. I just looked over this case and if you know what you’re looking for, there is actually a lot of information here. First things that got me, she was found naked and she was strangled. That indicates a killer that might be sexually assaulting the victim before he strangles her, or assaulting her after death for sexual gratification. Also, the location of the body indicates that he put it somewhere in which he wanted it to be found. He wants to see his crime on TV, read about his “vocation” in the papers. He want’s the fame. Also, her cap and gown she’s wearing matches that of Kreuger Middle School so if you look at the satellite version of the map, she may have went to that school right there. This all wasn’t far from her home which means this killer is methodical. He’s organized, constantly fantasizes, he’s practiced and prepared, and he’s probably been watching her and following her for some time. I really hate to say this but we might only be seeing the beginning of this. This murderer fits the same profile type as BTK but with a few small differences. Those differences are most likely going to be his unique signature which he obviously hasn’t revealed yet but I would bet my ridiculous VA pension that this person will try to do this again. I hope they are conducting an investigation immediately. And I really hope I’m wrong and they catch this person quick.
I looked around the area on the map. There are a lot of big businesses and industrial places around. It’s a large populated area. Most likely this person lives and works in the area, has access to a reliable vehicle, and he might even have a job that allows him to travel the area during the day. Chances are he may have been watching the kids leaving school to pick out whatever he’s looking for. David Berkowitz told the police after his arrest that he just drove and drove and never knew what he was looking for in a target but he knew it when he saw it so he may have been planning this for weeks or even months thinking about it before committing to it. I think there is definitely a compulsive sexual sadist murderer at large. If this person is a psychopath, they would make everything they say sound sensible in manipulation and if the Police gives them a polygraph and they pass it, they are going to feel completely invincible so I would highly recommend against it. We need to figure out his “game”. All psychopaths play a certain type of game. We just need to figure out the rules so to speak to figure out what piques their interest. You won’t be able to anticipate anything because these individuals are highly unpredictable. We need more information about her and close relations to friends or aquaintences, places she might have been. Anything. Everything!
I guess they caught him on May 1st. I was surprised at how close I was on my assessment though. Case solved at a heavy cost to loss of life unfortunately. I was under the impression this guy was still at large.
Thanks for the update, we will update the case status appropriately!