Heather Turner | Dallas, GA

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so does anyone think that it is weird that the husband didn’t call until 6:00 am when she was found at 5:30 am, I mean yeah he could have been grieving but that is half an hour that he waited.
I think that should be checked out to see what was happening between the time of 5:30 am to 6:00 am, what I mean by that is to see if he called anyone before 911 or if any texts were going out before the 911 phone call. To do that the Police department would need a warrant but because this is a suspicious death I think they should be able to obtain the warrant for at least phone records.

Also, I am not a professional in any way but I am just someone who is trying to put some clues together for these unsolved cases

Definitely good questions to ask!

The phone activity would be a tricky one now however. If they didn’t already get the records, the retention period would be long past and the carrier wouldn’t have his phone records anymore.

Watching True Crime Story and it sounds very suspicious. She was beautiful l. This needs to be investigated. How can everyone else see this and not the GBI. The town need to fire the DA and others that want do their jobs. Dick Donovan needed to be fired and so does the next DA if nothing is done. I’ll pray for the family this must be torture for the family,friends,and the man that wanted a future with such a beautiful young lady.

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He called his parents before 911 so that’s why the time gap before the 911 call

I am sorry for your loss!! A couple of questions, maybe you might know, but with an open investigation … they could still be pending with information…
1.) Are there any notes, messages, first-hand accounts, or signs of having any difficulty or issues within the relationship, to show a possibility of either?
2.) Was either of them tested for GS residue?
3.) Was there any forensic testing done to see if the trajectory lined up with the evidence within the scene and the idiosyncrasies of Heather and her position?

Law enforcement dropped the ball! While watching True Crime:It Couldnt Happen Here my very first RED FLAG is she got out of shower then supposedly shot herself, I feel she wouldv’e done it in the shower. Position of bullet entrance is very suspicious, I held my arm up like that, few things I noticed was very akward and not sure if it wouldve hit deadly I feel aim would be off. Most importantly though he called his parents first!!! Half an hour before calling 911 is the BIGGEST RED FLAG!! 99% of time when a person doesnt report asap is usually because they’re cleaning up & making up a story, he even chose to include his parents and the wall had been washed. Im not a professional but the law enforcement didnt do their job AT ALL!! They solely went on Andy’s word not the scene. After the fact thoygh now they have it, LOCK HIM UP, put pressure on parents they know at least something. Failure, happy they dont police my neighborhood.

Just an opinion but, someone is scaring people to shut up in that town. People are hiding their identity to talk to investigators and news reports. I think that is fishy in a couple of ways. I think Law enforcement is threatening people due to their lack of investigation. Or Him and his parents have too many connections. The guy from the funeral home (as you can tell with what he talks about) talked in hiding about the case. The coroner retracted talking to investigative reporters and sent a letter instead. The wall was washed, no bullet found, husband called parents before he called 911, Heather was wet from the shower, the only ones talking are are either in hiding doing it or are her family and close friends. Why has her husband not been investigated more? Why has his parents not been pushed to answer questions?

When he first called 911 he was calm and sounded like he was hesitating his response to the 911 operator. Then he sounded to fake cry when explaining to the operator what happened.

Who washed the wall?
Where is the bullet?
Why did he not call 911 at 5:30am when he discovered his wife? Not only called his parents instead, they had enough time to even get to the house before he called 911.

She would not have taken a shower before killing herself, and in the house with the daughter to potentially find her. What happened the night before? What was going on the week before? No one in the neighborhood heard anything? What was her TOD according to the coroner?

Andy had a relationship with the Nanny? Whom actually filed charges on him years later for abuse and rape? Why is this guy running free?
How is the husband and his family tide into Dick Donovan?

Why are even some of the investigators staying anonymous due to retaliation, years later?

Seems this town is hiding the truth. Even Sgt. Ashley couldn’t talk to the investigator reporters or give them ANY statements.

What about the “marriage”, the paperwork that shows it was NOT an actual marriage between her and Andy. What about the jealousy Andy had about Robb Herbert. Andy was a tequila drinker and abused Heather and previously pulled a gun on her. Andy physically abused the son of Heather and Paul, that is why Paul had custody of him. But, why stay as a mother knowingly having information that your spouse is abusing your child instead of leaving that person? Because women that are abused are scared. She had made plans to leave and build a life with Robb. Andy ruined their career and the next day she was gone. Letters to Robb of love and happiness with Heather is NOT a person who wants to kill themselves.

Andy’s conversation with investigator reporters, he is flat out lying, Mother works for court house (which is huge RED FLAG) and basically his parents are telling him what to say, what to do and covering for him and so is that town with all the connections that come with that family!

THIS TOWN COVERED this whole murder up. Yes I call it a murder. A suicide would NOT be this covered up or hush hush.
AGAIN, my opinion on this case and what I have learned. I have so much more I could comment but, I think I will end this for now and just investigate a little more.

And on the evidence Heather never filed a police report on the abuse Andy caused her, why would you, nothing would be done. Hell the town wont even talk for being in fear of retaliation, why would you file papers for abuse knowing it would be washed under the rug or ultimately lead to you getting hurt or killed.

Also I want to point out. Investigators asked Andy about the son and the abuse and why was he removed from the courts from their home and placed with his dad… ANDY lied and said “No, that is 100% inaccurate, That never happened, the court was never involved. Never took him out. Um…”, Then when the reporter said “There is court papers, documents Andy that went through the court”, he said "See when people tell you things that is false, It’s bad. MAJOR RED FLAG THERE!!! He even denied actual facts and lied about it.

Okay, so we do have a few details here. A lot of it is (regrettably) speculative but indicates possible motive. Clearly we have a man (Andy Turner) who has a history of abusive deviant behavior, multiple accounts of violence and sexual assault. He is a Pastor, which I have noticed sometimes religious figures slip under the rug (not always). Even in the news video in the case when called by the reporter, no only does he still firmly proclaim his innocence, but he wants to make a presence in a book and film about her death which we have seen that kind of (want to a famous piece in the puzzle) behavior before. Sometimes, killers will report their own crimes and even purposely involve themselves in active investigations. I would love to hear testimony from Mr. Turner on his version what had happened. Give him about an hour then ask him the same questions and to go over the entire scenario again. It was also mentioned above that he was calm at the time of the 911 call which isn’t normal but let’s leave that for now. Calling the parents first before 911 would not be my first instinct in this situation so that’s a little strange. I agree with the assessment that no one is going to commit suicide naked and wet out of the shower. I didn’t know the wall had been washed, that’s also interesting. I think some sort of forensic analysis should have been conducted on Andy after this happened to search for blood splatter in his hair, ears, nose etc. There are millions of capillaries in the Human head so when someone is shot, that blood goes everywhere and it’s almost impossible for any killer not to have their victims blood on them in that manner somewhere. From what I can tell, Andy seems extremely evasive to Police questioning which is common among many sociopaths until confronted with direct evidence and sometimes they maintain their innocence even after being confronted with evidence directly. There are a lot of question marks and loose ends that need to be tied with hard facts here. Also, does anyone know where on her head she was shot? The angle, position, entrence / exit wound?