Haley Lynn Cheney | Denton County, TX

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This is just a question, if the mother found her breathing but unresponsive, but the person who called it in stated that she shot herself in the head, if would be very hard to survive that.
Also, why would they not conduct a gun residue test to see if there was any on her hands, but then proceed to say it was a suicide. that makes no sense to me.

Suicide or homicide doesn’t matter gun residue testing should be mandatory, should be the first step in any case resulting in gunshot injuries or death. I’m not understanding why this was not done especially by the medical examiner, are these people incompetent or paid off?

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Lets take a minute and talk about gun shot residue (GSR). Many labs will not due a GSR test on a victim who has been shot with a firearm. The idea is that the process of them being shot, transferred GSR to their body so the test will always be positive, whether they shot themselves or someone else shot them.

The idea that a percentage or amount of GSR on a person will be higher if they shot themselves or if someone else shot them or if GSR on certain parts of the body means anything is not something that forensic sciences is able to articulate.

So, in this specific case of Haley Cheney GSR would not be able to help us understand more of the circumstances than what we know at the current time.


What about the boyfriend and his family were they tested?

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That would be my question as well. At least to eliminate the number of possible suspects. It just seems like they kind of went with the easiest response to the situation being suicide. Fairly common everywhere but I agree a formal investigation still should be administered at least to rule out murder if not confirm it.