There isn’t much information here and I don’t know anything about Brian, but in the pictures it looks like he might be a diesel mechanic for a trucking company of some sort. I looked at the map in the case file and the mark where he was last seen. If you look a touch north of that mark on Treaschwig Rd. There seems to be a large transportation yard in two places there and across the street from that there is a small club named Euphoria. Is it possible Brian might have wanted to have a beer or two after a long work day? That could be the place to begin because it’s what would make sense to me but like I said, I don’t know anything about him or where he worked or anything. Also, I just looked at the location where Brian’s car was found. It’s in very close proximity to the DFW Airport which is larger than Houston’s airport. Not mention he wouldn’t have wanted to stay in Houston for as long as it takes to wait for a plane if he had done something to Brian. I have no proof of anything but it looks like he might have parked the vehicle in the vicinity of DFW airport, hopped a shuttle and flew out to wherever from there. They should look at security cam footage from the airport in that time frame if they might know what he looks like to see if they could spot him. I hope something shows itself soon. I can’t imagine the family’s turmoil waiting for answers. I wish you all the best of luck.