Deborah Sue Williamson

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I been looking at this case for a long time and this is what i have noticed,she goes on a dinner with her parents at 6:00pm and comes back at 7:30pm the time her parents dropped her back at her house.Her last phone call was with her husband at 9:00pm so she couldn’t have been killed at 8:30pm because she called her husband at 9:00pm. Also the way she was killed you can tell the killer had been planned her death and murder,also he had to knew that her nor her husband didn’t use the front door to catch her off guard like that and why did he only take her purse? Which means she had to have something that he wanted i mean he did bust out her house windows but didn’t steal anything from inside the house…the the killer take her purse to cover up as if it was a robbery but it was more than that? Also i know that her keys went “missing” and then turned up under one of the couches in Joyce’s home strangely after paul and doug visit the house after the funeral?! So does that mean doug and paul had something to do with the murder? I mean joyce reported that her keys were missing and then the suddenly appear once paul sits on one of her couches?

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Hello! I found this recent article and they think it might be connected to another murder but I haven’t seen confirmation.

Those are good theories and make a lot of sense, before reading the case I thought Deborah’s husband would have been the one to kill her, but I don’t think that’s the case.
I believe the culprit is someone who was close to Deborah and her husband, either that or they were a stalker to Deborah otherwise I don’t think they would know about how Deborah and her husband entered the house from the back since it wouldn’t be expected unless you saw it.
Since it was later at night, the culprit most likely was trying to either rob the house, or spy on Deborah (in my beliefs as I mentioned he probably stalked her).
I assume that he might have been already in the house since Deborah and her parents went out for dinner at 6 pm and didn’t drop her off until 7:30 pm.
Once she arrived home, the culprit would have had to hide and so he did, now I assume that Deborah might have felt like something was off or that she was being watched which is why I assume she probably went to call her husband at 9:00 pm, now I assume he told her to go outside and wait till she felt better since she felt like she was being watched from inside. And after that call that is when the killer came from behind and killed her, I also guess that the reason the culprit has a knife was because he was planning to kill Deborah’s husband so then he could have Deborah himself, but since he stayed at work since he was the manager, he just had that knife with him.
When he saw Deborah call her husband, he knew he couldn’t kill her during the call otherwise the husband would know something happened to her and most likely called the police or came home.
So, after the call she went outside and probably waited to calm down, which is when the killer murdered her in the carport which at the front of the house. I’m pretty sure he took her body to the back yard 25 feet away from the back step of the home. And it seemed like he was probably wearing gloves for no fingerprints, and that is why the body had no sign of sexual assault even though by the state she was in, he probably sexually assaulted her dead body.
I am not sure if I am correct, but I think it’s a neighbour, someone close to her, or just a stalker.


I think you might be right! Did they Do a DNA check on the knife? or even a fingerprinting?

17 times suggests a lot of personal rage. I don’t think her murderer was a stranger. I think the purse was taken as a coverup to make it look like a robbery.