Cyber Sleuths - Getting Started

You want to help, but you don’t know where to start. You’re at the right place!

The first step in working on a case is keeping it visible and well known. Adding any and every unsolved murder and missing person case to the STC database does exactly that.

Next up, who are the current family and law enforcement contacts for these cases? Is a missing person or unsolved murder case still assigned to a lead detective? We want or case pages to have that current contact and you can be HELPFUL by reaching out to departments and finding out who that contact should be.

Additionally, start checking out the task lists for cases in our database. What’s been done and what still needs to be done? Has the missing person case been entered into NAMUS? Has family reference DNA been submitted? You can help increase awareness of these tasks for example.

We want you to help us do the most good!

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Is the task list viewable only to the person who entered the case online or is it public?

Hello, the task list is publicly viewable as a call to action for the case and see what things should be pursued.

Would you want to have an option for a task to be public or private to the case manager?

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Yes, I have had a family tell me they dis not want case tasks public due to the status of the case .