Amanda Marie Clairmont

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Police have released the below red truck as a vehicle of interest. Can anyone identify distinct details to confirm a make, model and year range?

Toyata Tacohma Generation 1


So roughly 12-15 min drive from Bar to Parking Lot. IS there not any other cameras on this route? Also when did she leave bar? When did she arrive at parking lot? How long before red truck showed up? Who was she with or talking to at bar? Did the truck follow her there or show up later

So they are saying she was killed between midnight and 1 am. Wasn’t found until 6 am… So what time did she leave the bar? Did she leave with anyone? Who was she talking to. I believe someone she talked to a the bar is who was in the red truck. They said she pulled into the parking lot the night before to talk to the people or person in the red truck after leaving the bar. I think they were at the bar with her or it was an over jealous stalking-ish guy and possibly when she left, she got a call to pull in there and meet him. He had plans or her. I don’t know I think there is more footage than they are saying. The bars had to have video. The car lot (Nissan) has to have better angles and footage. Seems the investigation is not getting ahead, or it was improperly done to begin with. Nothing was taken so robbery wasn’t the motive! Have her phone records been looked at? Ok so I am listening to a PODCAST as I type this, He just said she had a restraining order on an ex boyfriend that kept stalking her… Yall I believe he seen her at the bars, got pissy jealous and called or texted her to come meet him in that parking lot. He was with a friend is why it is NOT his vehicle and when she pulled in he shot her. The multiple gun shot wounds was hate, Crime of passion, not a robbery gone bad. They need to look into the ex.

Podcast I listened to The Highway Murder of Amanda C - Gone Cold - Texas True Crime - Apple Podcasts

That actually looks like a Red Chevy Silverado, maybe between the years of 2010 and 2013… Also, the wheels on a chevy silverado will look white when light hits them.